Who doesn’t like to look good? : A Style Guide

Dec 4, 2018 | Posted by in News | 0 comments

personal stylist by body type bellevue seattle

Who doesn’t like to look good?

We all know looks are important the question has always been why?

Two reasons:

External factor  – also known as a “thin-slicing” —we make quick judgments about personality on the basis of facial expression, posture, and clothing. “Business Insider” article says that clothes don’t just affect your confidence levels, they can affect your success, as “clothing significantly influences how others perceive you and how they respond to you.”

Internal factor – would you believe that something as simple as style and the clothes you choose reflects and affects your mood, health, and overall confidence. Scientists call this phenomenon “enclothed cognition”

Dressing with confidence is more than wearing the latest fashion trend, it’s about feeling good about what you’re wearing, looking poised and feeling self-assured in all situations.

You can boost your attitude, self-confidence and feel good about what you’re wearing if you:

Know the occasion – whether you are going to a business meeting, shopping, to church or to a gala event, what you wear should be tailored to the occasion.

Know your audience – people want to interact with people with whom they feel comfortable or who they feel are like them. That means knowing what is expected in particular roles and dressing to fit that role.

Know your personal style – your personal style is expressed in everything you do. When it comes to fashion your style is evident in the patterns and texture of fabrics you like to wear as well as your accent pieces such as jewelry, handbags, and shoes. When you are aware of your style and feel comfortable with it then you can express yourself with confidence. Are you classic, glamorous, sporty or trendy? We have a series of lifestyle-related questions that will help you determine your personal style.

Know the effects of color – colors produce specific emotions and it affects how you feel and how others respond to you. We are instinctively drawn to certain colors and respond to them with feeling. The right colors will make your eyes sparkle and your skin glow; while the wrong colors will make you look tired and your skin drab. This is why it is important to know the colors that look best on you. Eg wearing brighter colors can boost your mood. Wearing a little black dress makes you feel sexier. Our detailed styling session will analyze the right colors to compliment your skin tone and your personality.

Your Body Type – Also one of the key elements of looking stylish is wearing something that compliments your shape. Some styles work well with different body shapes and some don’t.

At our boutique in Bellevue have an extensive styling session which analyzes as per your body shape and recommends styles to suit your shape.

For more info on personal styling, please see our styling page.   

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